a (little) man died yesterday...
after an artificially prolonged, unpleasant affliction, he succumbed to distress, disdain and hurt, which metastasied and spread all throughout his mind and heart.
he died alone, feeling violated, misunderstood, stalked and not respected, died feeling a victim of other people's ill decisions and actions, feeling harrassed and - unloved...
infact -
people cared only about themselves, not for him, not at all... (yet, those same people were not given a chance to explain...)
people did not respect his wishes and - rights (yet,wishes and "rights" of those very same people were not respected by him, not even listened to..., and responsibility he had for those people, having shared his life, home, kitchen and bed with them once - got just lost somewhere "in translation" maybe??)
those same people made him get fired and lose his job, messed his plans of a life, house, and partnership up (yet, those very same people's life[s] - their jobs, their plans, their values, were jeopardized, turned up-side-down, shattered b/e of decisions and actions [or lack of them??] of that very same little man...)
two freedoms in war?
two conceptions of love and respect, and of civilty in action?
he died NOT in peace, not reconciled with his past and those who wronged him...
he died with a hardened heart...
NO man should die like that
EVERY man should be remembered for the good he's done and/or brought into other people's lifes... and this (little) man will surely be, too -
- for a smell of a Dove soap in the bathroom, for a light weight of an ultra-lite travel towel, packed for a trip to a distant/near-by country, for a freeing and lively feeling of a runner running in a sun (or cold, or rain); and also for a troubled and a "left-all-alone" look on his face and/or a vigourous and stubbern energy of his ever-searching soul...
May he rest in peace...
Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!
"Hamlet", Act 5, Scene 2
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