Thursday, December 27, 2007

Peter C., Terry W., Josh W. and - me again :-)

Here - another set of friends... of a very special friends indeed (can't you tell???)

It was on an early morning sometime in June, 2004, after a Mass that Peter C. has celebrated down in crypt of St. Peter's basilica. We joined him there, for that very special moment of his life, and then we all went to celebrate his celebration in a very "earthly" way - with cappuccini and cornetti, alla italiana.
Here with Peter and Terry. Oh, sorry - Father Peter and Father Terry.

No worries, no worries, Peter is still the same Peter (though - not all that "same" actually... OK so
looks the same, at least to me!)

And here, after a few attempts, all nicely posing for a picture - from left to right Peter C., Lucia P. and Josh W.
Thank you guys!

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